I am posting again! Yay! I am alive! Naaaah!!
Kidding aside, I what the content of this blog entry is not a criticism
to anyone but rather a discussion (if not merely raising curious questions from
yours truly) of the gender discrimination in the Philippines. Before I start,
let me just tell you that I have friends, or at least I have acquaintances who
are members of the LGBTQI community, some of them have homosexual
relationships. I am also a Roman Catholic. Lastly, I will do my best to be non-discriminative
and unbiased.
So, first, I have a question intended for the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and other religious sectors, but of
course, those who are reading this are also welcome to answer. The Holy Bible
said that the Lord created the man in His liking, and the woman from the man.
Now, the question is who created members of the LGBTQI?
Personally, I believe that God created us all. Well, I believe that a
Supreme Being created us all, it’s just that diverse cultures and religions
call the Supreme Being differently – God, Allah, and a lot more (again, this is
my opinion). Going back, I believe God created all that exist, but not
including all that is negative and wrong – murder, theft, deception, laziness, and
a lot more. I believe that all this negative stuff was created by Lucifer, God’s
fallen angel (now, I am referencing the Holy Bible). With that said, I do not see
members of the LGBTQI as ‘negative’ beings in this world, because just like men
and women, members of the LGBTQI community do good things. Of course, there are
members of the LGBTQI community who do wrong, just like how many men and women
do wrong, and much more like how many Catholics do wrong. Hence, just like
biologically male and female human beings, members of the LGBTQI community are
creations of God, who have their own discretion as to what is wrong or right.
Whether the Catholic Church see members of the LGBTQI community as
immoral or not, allowing same-sex marriage in the Philippines is in the
discretion of the State, given that there is a supposedly separation of Church
and State (of course, I am talking about civil marriage). But on the other
hand, isn’t marriage just a superficial event? I mean, many marriages fail the
same as many live-in relationships prosper. So with or without the approval of
the State with the same-sex marriage, homosexual relationships should be just
More than the same-sex marriage, I think what the LGBTQI community
should be pushing is the Anti-Discrimination Law. With this, any act of
discrimination towards homosexuals would be punishable by the law. And also,
with this law, people will stop the discrimination and promote respect towards
homosexuals. And this law covers the discrimination in the work place,
education, business, etc.
Last thing, is the point many people are raising that it is not being
gay or lesbian that is the issue, but the sexual act made by gay and lesbian
couples. People argue that it is stated in the Holy Bible that the purpose of marriages
(and sexual acts) is procreation, which is actually why most people ask newlyweds
when they will have their first born. Many people say that homosexual sex is
purely for pleasure, as no child would be made after they have sex. But then
again, there are heterosexual couples, who are not yet married, who have sex. Isn’t
that already a violation of God’s words? Perhaps that kind of issue is less
significant compared to homosexuals having sex.
Another thing is, even married heterosexual couples have sex just for
pleasure and not procreation. I mean, why on earth would impoverished couples
have 11 children? Do they honestly want to feed 13 mouths in their family? Personally,
I believe that the answer is no. impoverished couples do not intend to have 11
children, but they were keen on having sex (for pleasure, I suppose) yet they
do not have or could not afford contraception and so they just multiply.
And lastly on this last point of mine, how about infertile women and
sterile men? Are they violating God’s words by having sex with their husbands
or wives even they are fully aware that they could have no child? People might
say that infertile couples have sex because they expect a miracle. Okay, fine.
But I firmly believe that many people have sex for pleasure (most of the time).
If not, then how come bars and night clubs are blockbuster spots for ‘sad’ and ‘unsatisfied’
Again, all these are my opinion. You may contradict me, bash me, even
hate me, for thinking and having the guts to post all these, but I cannot just
sit and watch the minority, who I believe are not at all bad beings, to be
If this post appears biased, I am sorry as I have failed to keep my
promise of staying unbiased. I just want to speak my mind.
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Image credits to mishulkaa of DeviantArt |
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