Sunday, February 28, 2016

50 Shades the Musical Parody

"Meeting Mr. Grey can be quite an experience..."

Grabbed from

So true.

MR. GREY IS IN TOWN!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! Well, actually, I could... because I am ushering for his show, 50 Shades! The Musical Parody, YEY!

Hmmm... What can I say about the show? It is uber funny, I swear! It is something really, really worth watching if you have extra cash and incidentally, have nothing to do! And well, if you were not satisfied with reading the trilogy or watching the film.

I really cannot reveal much about the show as there are surprises that you guys must see... take for example Mr. Grey. Oh my! He is just the hottest (and definitely the most talented) guy ever to walk the stage of Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium of RCBC Plaza. There are some... juicy scenes, which is definitely the reason why the show is for 18 years old and above. There is Charlie Tango that will put to shame the helicopter scene of Miss Saigon ;) And of course... the RED ROOM of PAIN!!!

I don't know about you guys, but when I think about parodies (especially musical parodies), I think of crappy music, forced acting, and plainly a performance that seems like two people decided in a snap of a finger to make a play making fun of the original text and making money out of a worthless show. But 50 Shades! is definitely not that. It is fun and light, but not crappy AT ALL. The book was well written, and the writer definitely read the trilogy and referenced memorable lines and scenes and happenings from the book. The music was just WOAH! The songs are stuck in my head just upon watching the show once... how much more that I am always ushering during the weekends?

But what truly made me love about 50 Shades! is that it creatively referenced the iconic scenes from the biggest Broadway shows. To all theater fans out there, you will be definitely delighted once you see scenes from Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera, and Sister Act. Personally, I do not see the parody of the said musicals as blasphemous to the original material, but actually as a beautiful reminder that there are so many magical shows that I must see (like Les Mis, which will start on March 11!)

Another good thing about 50 Shades is that despite the original text being known as highly sexual, the play is actually, well, kinda kinky, but it is not pornographic in anyway (sorry to burst the bubbles of those wishing there are actual live show) and it is not very much inappropriate. Okay, I am not explaining myself well here. What I just mean to say that conservatives will definitely be shocked at the metaphors but not to the extent that they will run screaming to the hills (Yey! A Christian Grey quote! LOL). To the fathers out there who are not willing to allow their daughters to watch 50 Shades! thinking that it might be some kind of an explicit live sex show, keep your hair on, the show is nothing like that... at least, not very much like that ;) I would just like to share that my sister told my mother (who of course, told me) that my father told me sister that he is actually apprehensive that I am ushering for 50 Shades! provided it material. Well, Mr. Punsalang, I have read the book and I have seen the movie, the play is a playful adaptation of those, keep your hair on (An Anastasia Steele quote! LOL).

Grabbed from

To be honest, I am now rereading the trilogy, and I must commend the writer for reliving some lines and scenes. I mean, for the writer to come up with a unique and creative way to relive the not-so-known lines from the book is actually amazing! And another cute thing about the parody is that, despite it being, well, a parody, it did not tarnish in any way my initial imagination on who Ana and Christian are. Though, I must admit that after watching the show, I became more in love with Taylor than with Christian :D LOL

So, to 50 Shades of Grey fans out there who are unwilling to watch the show because you fear that the parody is a blasphemy of the trilogy you cherish so, believe me and watch the show, you will definitely love it. During yesterday's show, one of the audience member was giggling like a child almost throughout the show. She definitely has ready 50 Shades and was definitely enjoying the show. You guys can also share the same emotion. So, come out of your ivory tower and watch Mr. Grey up-close!

What made 50 Shades! even funnier is that the production is given a local color. All the audiences are hysterically laughing at the Filipino references put in the musical. Imagine it as how 50 Shades of Grey would be if set in the Philippines.

More than the material itself, the cast is soooo wonderful. You must already know that it is not an all-foreign cast - Bituin Escalante is amazing (especially during her solo part in a number during the second act), Karel Marquez is such an adorable Ana (very innocent and cute!), George Schulze is amazing a Jose (and frankly, much better than the film version, who I incidentally have forgotten), Julz Savard who redefines what best friends are (she plays Katherine Kavanagh), and Lorenz Martinez… nuff said (sorry but, he will always be Heneral Mascardo to me… or perhaps not after 50 Shades!)

Of course, the off-Broadway cast are spectacular as well. I am actually yearning to know them and have my photo taken with each of them. I mean, they are doing my dream from the place I dream to live my dream! And I must admit that I drool over the David-esque bods of Chris Hodgson and Isaac Saleh. But most of all, I envy Casey Rogers' Aphrodite-come-to-life physique (she plays the Inner Goddess… and with just your imagination, you must know why: D) Another thing I definitely envy are the vocal prowess of Brenna Wahl and Chloe Williamson (you guys must watch the show to know why!) Kaitlyn Frotton as Katherine Kavanagh might worry you about your roommate, LOL. And there is Greg Kata, who is funny as hell.

Oh, well, I am just a lowly usher who incidentally just want to talk about the play I am ushering for, who am I to critique? YOU guys are better critiques. So, what are you waiting for? Watch 50 Shades! The show is extended until the 20th of March and they have a number of shows to accommodate you all. Visit 50 Shades! The Musical Parody’s website, to learn more about the spectacular show and also of course, to book your tickets. Hurry! Mr. Grey’s palm is more than ready to meet you! ;)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Views on the LGBTQI

I am posting again! Yay! I am alive! Naaaah!!

Kidding aside, I what the content of this blog entry is not a criticism to anyone but rather a discussion (if not merely raising curious questions from yours truly) of the gender discrimination in the Philippines. Before I start, let me just tell you that I have friends, or at least I have acquaintances who are members of the LGBTQI community, some of them have homosexual relationships. I am also a Roman Catholic. Lastly, I will do my best to be non-discriminative and unbiased.

So, first, I have a question intended for the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and other religious sectors, but of course, those who are reading this are also welcome to answer. The Holy Bible said that the Lord created the man in His liking, and the woman from the man. Now, the question is who created members of the LGBTQI?

Personally, I believe that God created us all. Well, I believe that a Supreme Being created us all, it’s just that diverse cultures and religions call the Supreme Being differently – God, Allah, and a lot more (again, this is my opinion). Going back, I believe God created all that exist, but not including all that is negative and wrong – murder, theft, deception, laziness, and a lot more. I believe that all this negative stuff was created by Lucifer, God’s fallen angel (now, I am referencing the Holy Bible). With that said, I do not see members of the LGBTQI as ‘negative’ beings in this world, because just like men and women, members of the LGBTQI community do good things. Of course, there are members of the LGBTQI community who do wrong, just like how many men and women do wrong, and much more like how many Catholics do wrong. Hence, just like biologically male and female human beings, members of the LGBTQI community are creations of God, who have their own discretion as to what is wrong or right.

Whether the Catholic Church see members of the LGBTQI community as immoral or not, allowing same-sex marriage in the Philippines is in the discretion of the State, given that there is a supposedly separation of Church and State (of course, I am talking about civil marriage). But on the other hand, isn’t marriage just a superficial event? I mean, many marriages fail the same as many live-in relationships prosper. So with or without the approval of the State with the same-sex marriage, homosexual relationships should be just fine.

More than the same-sex marriage, I think what the LGBTQI community should be pushing is the Anti-Discrimination Law. With this, any act of discrimination towards homosexuals would be punishable by the law. And also, with this law, people will stop the discrimination and promote respect towards homosexuals. And this law covers the discrimination in the work place, education, business, etc.

Last thing, is the point many people are raising that it is not being gay or lesbian that is the issue, but the sexual act made by gay and lesbian couples. People argue that it is stated in the Holy Bible that the purpose of marriages (and sexual acts) is procreation, which is actually why most people ask newlyweds when they will have their first born. Many people say that homosexual sex is purely for pleasure, as no child would be made after they have sex. But then again, there are heterosexual couples, who are not yet married, who have sex. Isn’t that already a violation of God’s words? Perhaps that kind of issue is less significant compared to homosexuals having sex.

Another thing is, even married heterosexual couples have sex just for pleasure and not procreation. I mean, why on earth would impoverished couples have 11 children? Do they honestly want to feed 13 mouths in their family? Personally, I believe that the answer is no. impoverished couples do not intend to have 11 children, but they were keen on having sex (for pleasure, I suppose) yet they do not have or could not afford contraception and so they just multiply.

And lastly on this last point of mine, how about infertile women and sterile men? Are they violating God’s words by having sex with their husbands or wives even they are fully aware that they could have no child? People might say that infertile couples have sex because they expect a miracle. Okay, fine. But I firmly believe that many people have sex for pleasure (most of the time). If not, then how come bars and night clubs are blockbuster spots for ‘sad’ and ‘unsatisfied’ men?

Again, all these are my opinion. You may contradict me, bash me, even hate me, for thinking and having the guts to post all these, but I cannot just sit and watch the minority, who I believe are not at all bad beings, to be discriminated.

If this post appears biased, I am sorry as I have failed to keep my promise of staying unbiased. I just want to speak my mind.

Image credits to mishulkaa of DeviantArt