Tuesday, July 21, 2015


According to the ever reliable (or not) Wikipedia, artist is defined as “person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts, and/or demonstrating an art”. The description is quite easy to understand, a PERSON who DOES ART. Meaning, a SINGER who SINGS, an ACTOR who ACTS, a DANCER who DANCES, a PAINTER who PAINTS, a SCULPTOR who SCULPTS, I could go on forever with this list but I would rather focus on the first two artists I mentioned: SINGERS who SING and ACTORS who ACT. This is of course, in the Philippine context.

A disclaimer, though. The definition of singers and actors in this blog is MY definition (since, hello, this is MY blog), so never bother contesting it. Like what I said on the previous paragraph, and I will repeat it and sound redundant, singers are those people who sing and actors are those people who act (of course, CAN being the operative word). Now, if you are the kind of person who believes otherwise and has the tendency of bashing people whose beliefs are different than yours, the return arrow in your browser is on your left-hand side, click it now, au revior! Now…

Alright. Fine. I guess it is acceptable for non-singers to have recording albums. It is their freedom and as long as there are producers who would spend for the album, then fine, I guess I cannot challenge their freedom. HOWEVER, I believe that non-singers, who quite proudly claim that they are indeed non-singers, should truly accept that they are non-singers. WHUT?! You might ask. What I simply mean is that as PROUD non-singers, they should show their audiences that they are indeed non-singers by singing live, which what singers, who proudly admit that they are singers, do (though not all). I mean, what is the purpose of doing a lip-sync singing when all of the audience members KNOW that you are a non-singer?

Another issue for me is the auto-tune recording studios do to the singing voices of non-singers. WHY ON EARTH DO THEY DO THAT WHEN THE MASSES KNOW IN THEIR GUTS THAT NON-SINGERS ARE, DUH, NON-SINGERS?! Auto-tune only makes people believe that non-singers can actually sing, when in reality, they cannot. Of course, many people would raise the argument that no one cannot not sing, which is of course a given fact. Everyone can sing Happy Birthday, but what I mean by people who CAN sing are those who can carry a tune (the RIGHT tune, I must emphasize), can go with the TRUE rhythm of the music, and hit the CORRECT note.

By this, I am not stopping non-singers to have recording albums. What I am just saying is that, as PROUD non-singers, they must show that they are indeed proud to be unable to sing as well as singers. Meaning to say, let these non-singers have albums of them singing out of tune or out of tone, not because I want them to be bashed for being non-singers, but because I want them to really show their non-singer-ness (if there is such a word) since they claim to be such. A classic example is Anne Curtis. Nuff said.

Now, lip-sync singing. I see no point in this, for both singers and non-singers. First, for non-singers, just like what I have said in the previous paragraph, everybody knows that they cannot sing well, so why should they make their fans believe that they can?

Actually, I even find it DISTURBING when non-singers (especially actors who are promoting their new show) would lip-sync a song that they did not even record. It is very much obvious because you would hear an actor speak and when s/he would sing, his/her voice would be different. I mean, can’t they just verbally promote their show? Do they REALLY HAVE to “sing”? There is actually a reason why a person is called an actor and not a singer/actor.

Now, for singers. YO, PEOPLE, YOU CAN SING!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING LIP-SYNCING?!?!!? Some would say that the singers were doing a lip-sync because they are sick and could not sing live. In the first place, why did you agree to sing if you are sick? Okay, fine, perhaps you were not sick yet when you agreed to sing, but you have to suffer the consequences of being sick, much like what the contestants of Your Face Sounds Familiar did when they were sick and they had performances. Another thing, say you were not sick when you agreed to sing, THEN YOU MUST HAVE THE DECENCY OF TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND PREVENTING YOURSELF FROM BEING SICK! SIMPLE!

Other people would say that lip-sync is a backup tool, in case there would be a technical problem during the performance. REALLY?!?!?! Come on, I have watched a handful of theater plays, some of them had technical problems such as lapel mics dying out on the performers or lapel mics disconnecting from the tech booth. A real performer would do his or her best to keep the show going even when his or her mic died. I even witnessed once when the actor’s mic died, he really louden his voice so that whatever he was saying would carry out to the audience. There was even a time when an actor’s mic died during a song AND dance number. The actor still sang with the help of his co-actors who offered him their lapel mic, of course inconspicuously.

Most of the time, fast paced songs are performed in duets or more. Say one singer’s mic died, the other singer should know how to catch the other singer. And it is just easy, s/he could simply hand the other singer his/her mic for the time being. Or the tech people could give a replacement mic to the dancers, who are ever present in fast paced songs, and hand it to the singer in distress. And for goodness sake, they are performing in an event, people must anticipate such difficulties, prevent them from happening, and have some backup plan, excluding the absurd lip-sync.

It is even much more impossible (yes, I deliberately exaggerated because the tendency is just very slim) to have dying mics during a mellow song. For one thing, the singer would not be dancing to the music because the song is slow. Another thing, the mic is not a lapel during a mellow number, that is why it is almost impossible for the mic to be disconnected.

And more importantly, isn’t there what we call a technical rehearsal? For those who are unfamiliar with the term, technical rehearsal is when all the technical aspects of a production are being rehearsed, like the lights, the music (minus one, duh!), the mics, the set changes (if there is any), and all other stuff like harness and others. During technical rehearsals, the mic carrier (usually the singer, or if the singer is unavailable, anyone could do this) would walk all over the stage and see whether wherever s/he goes, the mic would sound clearly.

SO THERE IS NO CREDIBLE REASON WHY LIP-SYNC SHOULD BE DONE! Even Mariah Carey risked being out of tune when she did a concert in an open field during the winter. If THE Mariah Carey could do that, everyone must have the decency to do live singing as well.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


May you have more birthdays to come!

I guess it was never a secret that Anjelica Huston is my ultimate favorite actress. And I would like to take this opportunity to greet her a happiest birthday. I wish you all the best.

For those who doesn't know, or those who do not bother to care, Anjelica was born on July 8, 1951. You do the math, guys. Yes, she is no longer young, but she definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever saw. By 'saw' of course I meant to see in movies as I haven't had the wonderful chance to meet her personally.

Anyway, I first encountered Anjelica when I watched The Addams Family on August 2007. When I finally realized how much I was 'addicted' to her, I used the ever-trustworthy Internet to search her out. Of course, Wikipedia worked wonders, I learned that she was born on July 8, 1951. Despite my being forgetful about dates, especially during my History classes, Anjelica's birthday was permanently stamped in my mind.

The perfect couple
Anjelica changed the course of my dreams, no joke. Before I really wanted to become a teacher (actually, I still do). I never had a favorite actor or actress. I never dreamed of becoming an actress, because I thought acting was not a worthwhile occupation. And when I fell in love with Anjelica, I not only had my first ever favorite actress, but I thought acting wasn't so bad after all. She started the acting fire in me, which was intensified by my other favorite actors and by Anjelica as well, whom I have been scouting everywhere for her films.

Then of course, there is The Addams Family, my ultimate favorite film. Because Anjelica was in the film, my liking for it intensified. And because of that, I started writing fan fictions about The Addams Family and to be more specific, about the relationship of Morticia and Gomez. Of course, while writing, I would imagine Anjelica as Morticia, and Raul Julia (although I know he is already gone and could never be Gomez again) as Gomez.

My collection ;)
Despite how my family is confused with my liking for Anjelica, I pursued buying, downloading, and watching her films, watching her TV shows, listening to her two solo songs and one group song in Smash, buying and reading her two-part autobiography, and looking for other things that are related to her (like Jack Nicholson's biography, because I know that she would be mentioned there; the novelization of The Crossing Guard; the book sequels of The Prizzi's Honor; magazine clippings that include Anjelica; watching the films her father, John Huston did; watching the films and TV shows which include her brother, Danny Huston, and nephew, Jack Huston; and other stuff I cannot remember at the moment). Years ago, I even would print her photos that I saw online. The collection is huge, as a matter of fact. Thank goodness I now have my own laptop. If not, I would still be printing out her pictures.

Rocking it!
I remember, during one HTML project for my Computer class years back, when we were supposed to create a web site using HTML about anything we want, I created a page dedicated to Anjelica. I still have the file, though I would rather not share it because it was very much mediocre and really looked like the work of a noob.

Much of what I do and think has something to do with Anjelica. Of course, I am no longer as obsessed as I was almost eight years back, when I used to watch The Addams Family and Addams Family Values alternately everytime I get home from school and pretending I was doing my assignment when my mother or my sister arrives. But still, I make it a habit to remember to post a greeting for Anjelica's birthday, what us, fans, call Anjelica Huston Day which we celebrate on the 22nd of January, and on my Anjelicaholic anniversary (September 5).

I made this blog to share how proud I am to be an Anjelicaholic. And partly because I forgot to submit my picture to Sam (the admin of Anjelica Huston Fan Page and another huge fan of Anjelica) for Anjelica's birthday. LOL :D

Now, a message to the wonderful Ms. Huston... Well, Happy birthday, first of all. And I wish you all the best (I think I am being redundant here, hahaha!!) I wish you good health. And I wish you all the blessings the Lord is capable of giving. I also wish to see more of you on films and TV shows. It greatly pleases us, your fans to see you. I also wish you good health. And lastly, I wish you'd come to the Philippines for a late book signing of your autobiography or even just to visit the country. I would really do anything to meet you in person, it's just that I cannot come to the US because, well, it's too expensive for me :)

The most beautiful and the kindest creature to walk the planet
Again, happiest birthday, to you, my greatest idol!!! :D

PHOTO CREDITS TO: Samantha Pardo of Anjelica Huston Fan Page!!!