Monday, July 7, 2014

A Journey Home

This post will be different from my other posts. This will be a bit religous, but not so much.

On my way home, I was riding this jeepney which unfortunately stalled in the middle of the high way where there is no easy access for the passengers to get another ride. Instead of getting pissed off like the other passengers, I just silently prayed. Prayed that we'll get another ride, prayed that we'll all be safe, prayed that the driver will be able to get back his lost salary for the day, and prayed that I will still be able to get home before 8:40 so I can still catch My Destiny :) Kidding aside, when we finally get to ride a jeepney, whose driver was a bit but not quite reluctant to let us ride his vehicle because we were not going his official route, I felt deeply sorry for the jeepney driver whose vehicle stalled. I honestly almost cried. I mean, because of what happened, his take home pay will be smaller. According to the driver who gave us a lift, the jeepney's clutch was ruined and that costs much for a driver. And with a small take home pay, what will happen to his family? His hungry children?

I now remember the time, about two years ago, when almost all of the gasoline of the jeepney I was riding was wasted because his tank leaked. The poor driver even got his whole shirt soaked with gas because he attempted to stop the leaking of his tank. I remember not bothering to get back my fare so he could at least have a little more money. I know 15 pesos is not much, but it was something.

Come to think of it, I now feel guilty of wanting and getting my fare back. I now remember the look of the poor driver when I asked him if he will return our payment, he smiled somewhat sadly and said that he will personally give the new driver our fare because the money he has were whole bills. I know it is my right to get back my money, but comparing myself with the driver, I was more fortunate. His sad smile haunts my conscience.

Lord, may you bless the poor driver. May he still be able to feed his family, despite what happened tonight. Please also bless the gallant driver for the kindness he showed. And lastly, Lord, may there be more kind-hearted people around to help the less fortunate.

Realization: patience is a virtue. Why be mad because you were late on your way home, when someone just lost his pay for the day, which may mean hunger for his family? Remember, it is not always 'I' that matters.

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