There are so many commercials that 'dictate' what beauty is - there are whitening products that show the 'before look' of a girl who has dark complexion with the girl looking sad and the same girl looking so happy when she now have a whiter complexion; there are also commercials of lotions that promote 'instant whitening', commercials of beauty salons giving 'remedy' to a girl's 'dilemma' also known as kinky hair.
There are also television shows that display how 'ugly' women are condemn in the neighborhood, schools, and the professional world. These programs show that these discriminated women attempt to attain 'beauty' by having plastic surgeries and shaving their excess hair or some other drastic stuff. These tv characters are even pelted with eggs and tomatoes just because they are so-called ugly.
Because of these shows and commercials, many people are feeling the need to be 'beautiful' that comes to a point of exessive collagen and botox, apalling plastic surgeries, and getting pulled in all direction. But is there really a need to be physically beautiful? Because of the 'basis' of beauty and ugliness, many people are discriminated and somehow condemned.
Why is beauty such an issue? What is the purpose of beauty if your attitude is crude? What is the purpose of promoting beauty? They say being beautiful promotes confidence. But isn't it the other way around? Isn't it, providing the ideal beauty promotes discrimination and insecurity, hence creating the illusion of being beautiful is equivalent to confidence? Beauty is not a virtue, humility is. Why invest on beauty and vanity when at the end of the day, a person's beauty will turn into ashes.
Isn't it quite frustrating if a person is only remembered by his or her beauty? Don't you want to be remembered to be more than just a pretty face?
Be beautiful inside, and it will reflect on the outside. Stop having comparison of beautiful and 'ugly' people, because the Lord never creates ugly, in fact the word never existed to the Lord!
To say someone is ugly is discrimination. So if you are against racism, then do not consider other people to be ugly.
Believe that you are beautiful, because YOU ARE.
Click the hyperlink to see What people do to become 'beautiful'.