Saturday, March 1, 2014

Artistic Freedom and Self Expression

Honestly, I do not like classifying art into different art philosophies. I do not like comparing an artist (may be a singer, actor, dancer, painter, writer, or any other artists) to another artist. What is the purpose of comparison? Art is subjective, a stick figure can look beautiful for a person but hideous to another. And why should art be classified? Why should it box an artist's creativity? Why should an art be classified as Expressionism or Expressionism-Surrealism? Why can't it just be called as simply "My Art Form"? Art is a form of expression, and we practice freedom of expression! Limiting creativity is just like caging the freedom of expression... and that is a hypocrisy.

If dyeing my hair bubble gum blue or hot pink is my form of expressing myself, who should stop me? Is dyeing my hair now a criminal law? Does it kill people? Does it steal iPhones? Does it violate any natural law (well, except for damaging the natural growth of my hair)?

If I chose to pose like a model and cover myself in cloth and show by naked back, does that automatically label me a porn star? Or a prostitute? Or a model from a men's magazine? Given that the said picture will be a promotional material for a production, should that cage me from extending my creativity? No private part was seen, just a bare back. While shooting, the models were wearing clothes, it was just made to look like otherwise.

I cannot understand the purpose of letting us to be creative, but limiting us at the same time. Yes, explicity is not allowed and should be never allowed. But a creative shot? A dyed hair? We are in the 21st century! And the people doing these quote-unquote "prohibited" stuff are already of the legal age! We are already allowed to have boyfriends and girlfriends but not to express artistic freedom? I mean, come on! We are in college already! There should be rules but 'No exhuberant colored hair,' 'No complete uniform no entry,' 'No cross restroom-ing' (where excatly will LGBTQI persons go when they need to pee or poop, especially that the restrooms are not unisex?), 'No sexy poses on poster,' 'No sexy publicity materials,' etc. are just so illogical.

This is the stage in a young adult's life where s/he learns self expression! Depriving him/her this opportunity is just like depriving him/her the chance to know him/herself.

This entry might seem all over the place, since I cannot tell what is exactly happenning, but what I just want to say is that art is a form of expression, no one should limit a person's creativity since it is the manner by which a person reflects him/herself. Self expression can be seen by the way a person does art. Limiting creativity means limiting self expression, hence being a hypocrite to the society's freedom of expression.

But the real antagonist in this dilemma is the close-mindedness of the people seeing other people's creativity. Who on earth are you, creating stereotypes?