Last year, January 28, 2013, was a fateful day and I am writing this blog to celebrate what happened last year.
I remember that day as if it was just yesterday. It was almost 12 noon and I was in my class when my mother suddenly texted me, asking if she can call me. I told her sure and she did call me. She said that it (the item will remain unmentioned and unnamed, as well as who sent it) arrived. I chidded her and said, "Weh, di nga?" Although I already am giddy with happiness. She said that what she just said was true, and the "Weh, di nga?" kept coming out of my mouth, obviously, I cannot believe the wonderful news. After the call ended, I skipped back to my class and whispered the amazing news to my sympathetic friend.
After the last class, I practically flew home to see me package. My mother was ever so kind that she did not open it, letting me do it myself. I was shaking with delight as I carefully opened the LBC-delivered parcel, which bore my name and my address. And inside it, was that wonderful item. It was still wrapped - brand new! I ripped the plastic covering and greedily opened the cover. Inside were three things - 2 circular things, and a booklet. I immediately used the 2 circular things, I was excited - I can't help it. =)
Until now, I am using those things. And as another way of celebrating that fateful day, I will use those delivered things over and over for the whole day.
Now, let me tell you how the package was delivered.
It was a December day when I posted my Christmas wish list on Facebook and included there was my yet-to-be-delivered package. The list was detailed and I made sure NOT to tag the will-be-sender because I do not want to make it look as if I am asking that person to send me the package, because I really was planning to hunt it myself. Anyway, the next day, before my COMM101 class, I saw a message in my Facebook. Boy, was I ever surprised.
January 26 came, and the delivery man delivered the package. Unfortunately, no one was at home. Fortunately, the delivery man was not able to have his document signed (to certify that he went to the receiver but there was no one home), so he came back on January 28.
Gosh! I know that you guys probably do not understand what I am saying because I am so trivial and all, but I promised the sender (as requested) that I will not divulge the information. So I am technically not saying anything. I just want to share a portion of what made my day happy. =)
To the sender, thank you so much! You really are the kindest and the best. I cannot believe that you would do such thing, you are amazing. =) God bless always!